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Discover Your Dog's World

We understand that your furry friend is a beloved member of your family. That's why we offer a wide variety of services and  high-quality products to meet all of your dog's needs.  Join us on a journey of discovery and let's explore your dog's world together.


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About Us

Licensed Dog Trainer from Cyprus Government

A well behaved dog is the dream of every dog owner. With our support and by using positive and humane training methods we can achieve the results that you want.


Every dog is always treated with respect and its welfare is our priority. In our program we can help you improve and build a healthy relationship with your dog.

What Pet Owners Say

The best reference is a good word

"Very Professional"

I highly recommend AC Dog Trainer  to anyone who is considering any dog training, my experience with my 6 month old female German Shepherd dog was very satisfactory. I wanted my pup to learn obedience and leash training. She was a stray that had to training and an exuberant pup who was out of control - jumping on everyone and nipping to get attention. After our 6 week training with Antonis Charalampous, i had an obedient dog who i could enjoy and who’s bad habits were corrected. I learned the proper techniques to work with her and are still applying them to reinforce her training!!!Thank you Antoni...

Panatos Paris

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